Software Products
Run any application program as a Windows service
Run any 32-bit or 64-bit application, program, or script as a Windows service
Monitor and restart your apps if it crashes, hangs or shuts down
Start your apps at system boot, without any user intervention
Schedule your apps to start/restart at specific times and dates
Brand and integrate with your product or platform with Pro OEM
Browser based Windows service manager
Remotely manage FireDaemon Pro & Windows services via your browser
Access Fusion securely via TLS encryption based on FireDaemon OpenSSL 3
Integrate Fusion into your web-based application with our comprehensive RESTful API
Use standalone or with FireDaemon Pro
Integrate with your product or platform with Fusion OEM
Manage interactive services on Session 0
Switch to and manage Pro and Microsoft Windows interactive services on Session 0
Double click the task tray icon to take you back and forth between Session 0
View who currently has control of Session 0, kicking them off and taking control if necessary
Set Session 0 desktop colour, auditing operations
Take screenshots and open CMD and PowerShell sessions
Scan and audit endpoint SSL / TLS certificates
Scan, verify, and report on SSL / TLS certificate validity
Scan private and public endpoints regardless of issuing Certificate Authority (CA)
Schedule daily, weekly, or monthly scans
Obtain detailed endpoint and certificate information
Based on FireDaemon OpenSSL
Free Products
Restore desktop interactivity on Session 0
Restores keyboard and mouse functionality on Session 0
Removes the black Session 0 desktop overlay
OpenSSL Cryptography and SSL / TLS Toolkit
Binary distributions of the latest versions of OpenSSL for Microsoft Windows
Available as Windows installers and ZIP files. Digitally signed
A file hash calculator based on OpenSSL
Calculate file hashes to verify file authenticity using OpenSSL's digest algorithms
including SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, SHAKE, BLAKE, MD5, RIPEMD, and SM3
Uptime & availability for 500+ applications and systems
If it works with FireDaemon Pro then we most likely have written a guide to show you how to run your application program in the background as a Windows Service.